
CRM solutions built for a lender’s every need.


Using state of the art drip campaigns, automated follow up, realtor reporting and outreach, Daily AI can effectively streamline your business, increase communication, improve your conversion and pull through ratios, and assist you in staying top of mind, all through automation .

Business Development
Automated Milestone Updates

With a single click, Daily AI can contact any of your referral partners, as well as the client. Daily AI integrated with all of the major LOS platforms and will automatically update any information put into your LOS in real time. Track milestones,
and update all parties for all of your transactions .

Automatic Lead Alerts

Automatically route leads to drip campaigns as soon as a lead is created in the CRM - no need to manually add drip
campaigns to any of your leads. Daily AI allows you to auto sync lead sources and automatically run drip campaigns when the lead is created .

Database & Document Management

Manage all your contacts, transactions, partners in one place. Upload documents and files for each contact and transaction. Customize your data fields, use advanced metrics to track performance.

Database & Document Management

Unlock your greatest potential with Daily AI.